EDC is following all CDC guidelines to provide a safe environment for your dancer when they are in our studio!

Please review the our procedure video to understand how we are implementing these safety standards.

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5 More Incredible Reasons to Take an Adult Dance Class

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again (maybe a little louder this time): A person taking an adult dance class reaps so many rewards! However, there is one giant challenge that many of us face when considering exercise—getting started.  

It can be difficult to carve time out of your already busy schedule. Also, stepping outside of your comfort zone isn’t always the easiest thing to do. Sound familiar? We are all so good at avoiding the things that benefit our bodies and minds. Exercise is seen as a four-letter word by some.  

If that’s the case, a shift in perspective could do the trick! What if you view an adult dance class as the opportunity to move your body in a way that makes you feel good? Instead of focusing on how sweaty you get, think about how you feel at the end of class. Instead of thinking about how hard the class is, pay attention to the way you feel when you land a challenging move.  

A perspective shift can help you to try new things and break past barriers that keep you from trying new things, like an adult dance class. Have we convinced you yet? If not, read on for more reasons to get dancing today. 

Even More Reasons to Take an Adult Dance Class 

Improved Posture

Form is a large component of any form of dance, particularly in ballet. Dance has an impact on the core and back muscles that can lead to improved posture.  

Strengthens the Mind & Body

Even if you’re simply dancing for fun, it takes a good amount of strength to move your body in a controlled manner. Dance classes help you develop strength in your body with challenging movements. Plus, you strengthen your mind when you learn something new! 

Boosted Coordination

Taking an adult dance class helps enhance your posture, balance, and strength. Each and every one of those components can help increase your coordination. 

Raises Endurance

As many of you know, performing movements that were tough at one point become manageable when repeated often enough. Adult dance helps increase your endurance and energy to help you stay nimble while playing another sport or help you keep up with your family’s busy schedule. 

Make New Friends (or Bring One) 

Dance classes are a fun way to socialize and move your body. You’re instantly surrounded by a group of people with whom you have a common interest. On the flip side, you can bring along a friend to class to ramp up the fun and accountability.  

Take an Adult Dance Class in Wilmington, NC 

Perhaps it’s time to shake up your routine or maybe you need a way to move your body during the week. An adult dance class is a perfect way to strengthen your body and mind while giving your coordination and endurance a boost. 

You’ve come to the right place if you’re looking for an adult dance class in Wilmington, NC. Register for one of our classes or contact us today to learn more! 

Need even more reasons to take adult dance classes? Check out our other blog post. 

6 Fantastic Reasons to Take Adult Dance Classes

The idea of dance class often conjures up images of little kids in tutus and toe shoes. The thing is that dancing is truly for anyone who wants to move their body! In fact, adult dance classes offer all kinds of physical and mental benefits you may not be aware of yet. 

Perhaps you’ve shied away from taking a dance class for adults in the past. Or maybe you think you don’t have enough coordination. No matter what has held you back, we’re here to tell you it’s time to sign up. Read on as we reveal just some of the reasons why you should start dancing today!

Adult dance classes boost confidence.

There is no greater feeling than seeing yourself make progress when learning something new. Adult dance students get gratification from mastering new skills, knowing that they can accomplish anything they set their mind to.  

You’ll gain greater body positivity.

Dance classes for adults help you mindfully move your body while building strength, balance, and tone. Movement and exercise have such powerful impacts on one’s mental and physical health. When you feel good in your body, it’s possible to be more positive about your progress. 

Improves and strengthens cognitive functioning.

When you take an adult dance class, you stretch the limits of your body while also stretching your mind. Learning dance helps your brain and memory stay nimble, allowing you to challenge yourself and focus on moving your body in a new way. 

Dance classes increase your energy.

As you may know, moving your body increases oxygen circulation. This allows your body to use its energy more efficiently. On top of that, exercise gets those endorphins going, helping you feel more energized and ready to take on anything! 

Moving your body is a stress buster.

We face so many daily challenges. Dance class is a welcome distraction from everyday stressors, allowing you time to recharge and refresh your mind and body. When you’re learning dance, you’re more focused on perfecting the moves and the rhythm of the music than the outside world—a relief indeed! 

You’ll improve the quality of your sleep.

Although there is still more to learn about how exercise and sleep are connected, there is no doubt that moving your body allows you to go to sleep faster and get higher quality sleep. Our adult dance classes at EDC are an hour and half of pure movement, allowing you to get better sleep at night. 

Adult Dance Classes Make Folks Feel Great 

There are numerous benefits to taking adult dance classes. Whether you’re looking to reduce stress, get better sleep, increase your body confidence or all of the above, it’s time to consider signing up. At Evolution Dance Complex, our adult dance classes are for all skill levels – no dance experience is required!  

If you’re ready to start dancing, visit our site to learn more about adult dance classes in Wilmington, NC. 

4 Ways That Dancing Helps Your Mental Health

When you move, you feel good, and it feels good to dance!

Of course, we know the physical benefits of dance, but there is more to it than that. Dancing has obvious positive effects on our physical well-being, but how about our mental health?

Dancing and movement are excellent for your body, mind, and soul, and there’s science to prove it! Keep reading for four ways that dancing helps your mental health.

Dancing can improve your self-esteem.

According to Very Well Mind, self-esteem is used to describe a person’s overall subjective sense of worth or value. In other words, self-esteem may be defined as how much you appreciate and like yourself. Self-esteem can be determined by factors including:

  • Feeling of security
  • Self-confidence
  • Identity
  • Sense of belonging

Learning a new skill, like dance, is hard work that can deliver some big-time mental rewards. Taking dance classes and rising to the challenge will encourage self-confidence and increase self-esteem. A strong presence on the dance floor can translate into other aspects of a dancer’s life and will start a cycle of positivity and confidence.

When you prove that you can learn new choreography and develop new skills through dance, you’ll find that your self-esteem will grow.

Dancing can expand your social circle.

Socialization is crucial for good mental health, and dance is great for expanding your social circle. Dance classes are typically conducted in groups, which pushes you to interact with people who share your same love of dance. Many of these people will become your closest friends.

A dance class is the perfect setting to make new friends and branch out socially. Maintaining positive social relationships is just as crucial to your health as physical activity or healthy eating. Studies show that being socially engaged leads to increased happiness, reduced stress, and a stronger immune system.

[Need to grow your child’s social circle this summer? Check out our 2022 dance camps!]

Dancing can have positive effects on your mood. 

Research shows that music and movement help enhance a person’s mood. It is why when you’re feeling down or overwhelmed, you just want to listen to some music and move. Dancing instantly uplifts your mood and can help improve your attitude and outlook on life.

An in-depth analysis of several different studies on the effects of dancing concludes that dancing has a positive impact on the treatment of depression.

Dancing can lower stress and anxiety.

Like any other form of cardio exercise, dancing has significant mood-enhancing benefits. Dancing causes your body to release powerful chemicals and hormones that can help your brain develop better sleep patterns and reduce stress.

In addition, scientists have been conducting research on dances’ ability to reduce anxiety for many years because of dances’ ability to “loosen up” participants, allowing them to dance in front of an audience of strangers. For decades, therapists have prescribed dance to patients suffering from social anxiety and a fear of public speaking. The idea behind this recommendation is that dance allows people to feel less self-conscious when interacting with people or when “speaking in front of an audience.”

Staying mentally and physically healthy is very important at Evolution Dance Complex. We consistently work with you or your child through our conditioning courses and rigorous dance technique classes to encourage fitness and fun!

Are you or your child ready to give dance a try in the new year? Contact the dance experts at Evolution Dance Complex today!

5 Tips for Taking Care of Yourself Over the Summer Break

Summer break is quickly approaching!

Those blissful, lazy days of summer where you can sleep in, stay in your pajamas all day, and not stress about studying or hustling from school to dance class!

Having breaks gives our bodies the time for a necessary reset and recharge. While it may feel like it is a great time to beach it all day and binge on Netflix at night, it’s vital that you also treat these moments as an opportunity to work on your goals and care for your body and mind so you are ready for the fall.

Keep reading five ways you can take care of yourself over the summer break and prepare for the upcoming dance season.

Eat well.

A balanced diet often goes out the window during summer break. We sleep in late and miss breakfast, grab a sugary muffin from the pantry, or munch on a bag of chips instead of opting for healthier options. Those burgers from the grill are hard to resist while the ice cream calls your name. Our regimented routine is long gone, leaving more time for inconsistency, lounging, and snacking.

It’s okay to include some sweet and savory treats in your diet, but it’s essential to stay balanced. Ensure you include a variety of whole foods in your diet. Having some spare time over the summer allows for cooking experimentation and healthy recipe creations. The summer is an ideal opportunity to refine meals and create the perfect ‘grab and go’ recipe for those days when you are short on time during the hectic school season.

[Need some healthy, quick snack ideas for competition season? Click here!]

Stay active.

Research some local places where you can participate in some healthy exercise classes. Pilates and yoga are great for dancers because they help with flexibility, core work, and mindset.

The highly qualified teachers at Evolution Healing Arts have some great options to keep your mind and body in shape this holiday season. They use the fundamentals of Yoga and Ayurveda to connect their students to their crafts; arts, fitness, education, and mindfulness practices are all offered and customized to meet each student’s needs.

Be sure to give something new a try this summer. When it comes to our weekly regimens, we don’t have time for trying new things, especially when it’s on top of our already packed dance schedule. So, plan to experiment some this summer, explore different options, bring along some friends, and have fun with it.

Seek out some workshops or camps.

You may be able to find some workshops, camps, or private lessons this summer season to help keep your dance technique fresh.

Dance workshops, intensives, clinics, and camps are great opportunities to try new styles and push yourself out of your comfort zone.

Get organized.

Decluttering your space is one of those things that needs to be done but often gets put off when we are busy.

Who doesn’t love a clean, organized space? With that extra time that summer break provides, use that free time to sort out your wardrobe, bedroom, dance bag, and more. Keep those things you actually use and speak to you, and get rid of those items that no longer benefit you.

Once you’ve organized the items you want to keep, you can donate what no longer serves you. This allows you to see what you have in your space and where you may need something new. You’re also receiving the health benefits of an enhanced mental state, improved sleep habits, and reduced allergens by decluttering.

Practice some self-care.

You have worked hard all year, be sure to take some time for yourself outside of dance. Things will feel more manageable if you tend to your needs first.

Pamper yourself a little; you earned it. Some things you can do to pamper yourself include:

  • Get a massage.
  • Turn your bedroom into a retreat and binge-watch your favorite shows.
  • Get some essentials for a spa night with you and your favorite dance besties.
  • Crank up the music and dance to music that makes you feel good. Be sure you are doing it because it makes you happy.

With the above suggestions, you’ll be feeling fresh as a daisy when you return to your routine after the summer break. Equipped with the skills to support your mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing, you’ll be ready for anything that comes your way.

Be sure to enjoy your friends and family this summer, and contact us if you need some assistance with keeping up your technique during the break. With our clinics, camps, and intensives, we can ensure you stay in shape and are dance-ready all summer long.

6 Benefits of Summer Dance Camps

Unleash your child’s creativity while taking their skills to a new level this summer with dance classes and camps!

Evolution Dance Complex has the perfect cure for summertime blues and boredom with our extensive line-up of intensives and camps. With so many choices for camps and other activities available over the summer, we’ve listed six benefits of summer dance camps and why our dance camps should be at the top of your list!

Improve learning abilities.

It’s crucial that learning skills stay sharp during the summer. Evolution’s summer dance camps will help your child develop the ability to focus and understand the concept of discipline.

Summer dance camps and intensives are great resources for triggering young minds through observational and physical learning. In class, dancers memorize spacing, music, steps, and formations. They will carry these abilities into all areas of life, including home and school.

Kids can discover their passion.

Summer dance camps are an excellent way for students to find their passion. Many of our dance camps offer specific dance genres or themes and can even fuse several styles giving them opportunities to find something they genuinely care about.

These camps include a variety of dance styles, different types of music, themes, and crafts. Our camps offer something for every child!

A chance to have fun and be creative.

EDC’s summer dance camps provide various fun activities for children while they learn new moves, play fun games, and cultivate creativity.

Increase social skills and make new friends.

One of the best things about summer camps is meeting new people. Our dance camps encourage new friendships and introduce your dancer to new positive role models.

Dance classes and camps build a team-like atmosphere, and dancers will work together in camps while improving skills. They will work to overcome shyness and stage fright and all the tools to become a true performer.

[Check out our summer camp flyer here!]

More physical activity.

Dance is an aerobic activity ideal for all children. Your dancer will improve flexibility, range of motion, balance, strength, stamina, and coordination at camp. They will learn how important it is to develop healthy habits and healthy hearts!

Improved self-confidence.

Dance is an outlet for self-expression. When children learn to express their feelings, it increases their self-esteem.

As they conquer new skills, they will become aware of how their bodies move and gain a sense of accomplishment. All the new things they will be doing and learning add up to a lot of growth, giving them the confidence they will need to handle any challenges that come their way.

If this sounds like the perfect solution for your child this summer, register today for one of our dance camps! We are offering camps for children ages three and older. Themes range from princess to perfecting your audition skills. Call the studio to register, or you can register online on our website!

5 Benefits of Dance Competitions

For many dancers, competitions are an extra perk alongside their training.

Dance competitions provide a boost that can help take children from talented dancers to certified artists. However, it’s not just the dance themselves or being on the stage that makes the difference.

Dance competitions can provide dancers with high-level skill work, clinics, industry seminars, and networking opportunities. Keep reading to learn more about the five benefits of dance competitions.

Develops skills.

All those long hours spent in the studio perfecting technique and preparing for competitions help sharpen a completely different skill – performance.

The ultimate objective is to take all those steps you’ve rehearsed and the muscle memory you created and tell a captivating story through your body and the choreography. The purpose is to connect with an audience. While judges may seem intimidating, they offer the perfect suggestions to help dancers develop those skills and improve poise and showmanship.

Teaches the ability to apply constructive criticism.

One of the most valuable aspects of dance competitions is hearing what trained and experienced judges think of your performance.

While they are “judging” you, it can be an excellent thing if you approach it with the proper perspective. The ability to take their feedback as inspiration and as fuel to improve and work harder will serve you well as you dance and well into your professional future no matter what route it may be.

They help expand your circle.

You are at a dance competition to compete against other dancers. Still, any major dance event will provide a great chance to form valuable connections and friendships that can last a lifetime.

They’re also a fantastic chance for positive exposure. Dancers are more likely to meet professionals who could serve as mentors or provide advice to put them on the path to achieving their dance goals!

[Want to know what it’s like to be a competitive dancer? Click here!]

Takes your skill to a new level.

The atmosphere at dance competitions differs greatly from what a dancer will experience in the studio.

While that brings a special set of challenges, the uniqueness and level of emotion at a competition will inspire dancers to excel. Preparing for competition and being on a big stage in front of many viewers is excellent motivation.

Helps build resilience.

Dance competitions are about much more than wins and losses. It’s about learning beneficial lessons that you can use to improve as a dancer and as a person.

Competition teaches character and to come back when things don’t go your way. If you have the courage to compete and leave it all on the stage, you will be successful wherever you go in life.

At Evolution Dance Complex, we love everything about competitive dance and the positive effects on our dancers. We strive to provide our dancers with the tools they need to feel confident on stage and connect with their audiences.

Explore the genres, classes, and company teams we offer to take your or your child’s performance to the next level!

5 Reasons Why Boys Should Dance

As progressive as our society has become, dance is still often thought of as an activity for girls.

The combination of strength training, skill, and coordination make dance one of the best ways to stay active no matter what gender. Dance is inclusive and one of the best ways to stay active while having fun. These are just a few reasons why boys should get involved with dance. Keep reading for five reasons why boys should dance!

Builds self-esteem and confidence.

Dancers often put themselves in challenging circumstances, such as being on stage to be scrutinized by others or by trying a new, difficult dance class. If you work hard on a dance floor to learn new things and achieve goals, you’ll feel like you can accomplish anything.

Depending on your child’s level of dance engagement, it will eventually involve competition, which can push dancers past their limits while also gaining poise and confidence. Being put in the public eye can help overcome the fear of public performances while encouraging a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Dance encourages self-expression.

Dancing is an art that encourages one to express emotion and passion openly to enhance the presentation. This is especially excellent for boys since our society often promotes the masculinity of repressing emotions, which can be unhealthy for their emotional growth.

Being able to transmit artistic expression poignantly is vital to dancers. Having discipline, advanced technique, and dedication allows a dancer to use dance as a language to communicate. This will enable audiences to embrace the inner beauty of dance itself and take the dancer’s skills to another level.

Teaches teamwork.

Working together in a group or with a partner helps build communication and respect in achieving a goal. This can help prepare dancers for future ambitions and growth when working with others in a team setting.

[Want to know some more benefits of dance? Click here!]

Develops strength and coordination.

Dancing works muscles while building stamina. It also helps to develop coordination and intensifies attention to detail. It can be challenging as each move involves controlling the body and supporting and lifting dance partners. Dance also helps increase strength and fitness levels which can benefit other sports and activities, making you a better all-around athlete.

The work it takes to dance constantly aids in developing muscle groups and teaches dancers to use their muscle groups in graceful and coordinated ways. Frequently using the four limbs in different dance positions significantly improves coordination.

Improves posture.

The movement involved in various types of dances helps build up the core muscles needed to keep your posture upright and strong. Having good posture improves overall spine conditions and proper body alignment while reducing your chance of straining muscles.

When searching for a dance class for boys, there are several things that need to be taken into consideration. Start by:

  • Creating a list of local dance studios and taking the time to research them. Find out what kind of dance styles they offer and what type of experience each instructor has.
  • Take the time to watch some classes. Observing classes can be valuable as you can see firsthand the dance styles and the method by which children are instructed.
  • Most dance schools offer a free trial or a drop-in fee for single classes. Take advantage of these opportunities.

Evolution Dance Complex is one of the leading dance studios for boys and girls in Wilmington, NC, and beyond. Our dance programs include acro, contemporary, lyrical, pointe, hip hop, jazz, musical theatre, and ballet classes that inspire creativity, coordination, and self-confidence. Contact us today for more information.

6 Tips for Managing Time Outside of the Dance Studio

Most dancers spend a significant amount of time per week in the dance studio.

While they are doing what they love, this can cause some stress in other areas of life. Sometimes the demands of school, socializing, work, community service, and everyday life can be overwhelming.

As a dancer, it can be challenging to balance all those requirements on top of your many hours at dance, but it’s not unattainable! Keep reading for six tips on managing time and balancing dance with the other essential aspects of your life.

Stay organized.

As a dancer, it’s crucial that you take responsibility for staying organized. Invest in a calendar application on your phone or an agenda book and use them regularly. People struggling to manage their time aren’t short on time, they just aren’t planning ahead.

Set yourself up for success with a calendar or journal that will allow you to see the commitments and responsibilities that lie ahead. This will enable you to set your priorities and get the most pressing items done first. Staying on top of these everyday tasks and keeping them organized will minimize your stress, allowing you to focus on those long-term goals.

Focus on prioritizing. 

We get it, dancers want to spend every second of their free time dancing, but to succeed in life, you must put other things first from time to time.

If you have a school project due and need to practice some steps, think about which is more important. Getting your project out of the way will give you more time to focus on dance, as you won’t have the schoolwork lurking in the back of your mind.

Set goals. 

Set SMART goals to understand where dance fits in in your life. Finding time is just as much about staying motivated and focused as creating free time.

This is where setting goals for dance is critical. However, these cannot be just any random goals or desires; they need to be SMART goals, which means:

  • Specific – you need to give yourself as much information as possible about exactly what you want to accomplish.
  • Measurable – the goal needs to be quantifiable. For example, apply an extra 30 minutes to practice, learn two new steps, etc.
  • Achievable – something that you can realistically achieve.
  • Relevant – ensure the goal applies to you at this particular time in your life.
  • Time – the goal needs to have a time target. If the plan does not have a time target, how do you know when to achieve it?

Learn to multitask. 

Multitasking is one of the best ways to use your time efficiently. This means checking numerous things off your to-do list at once, and it’s a great way to create some free time in your week.

However, everybody is different, and some people require full attention on a task to get it done correctly. Chances are, if you’re a dancer, you are used to thinking about one hundred things at a time. An excellent example of multitasking is stretching while studying for an upcoming exam. Just ensure that you’re stretching safely and aren’t holding single stretches for extended periods while distracted by other things.

Stay clutter-free.

Another great way to get organized is to keep your space tidy. This can include your locker, bedroom, desk, dance bag, and school bag.

Keeping things organized and clutter-free will help you manage your time more effectively by ensuring that you aren’t wasting time searching for lost items or digging around your room for your dance costume last minute!

Pencil in some downtime. 

Allowing some downtime is a vital part of time management. It’s also good for your body and your brain. On Sunday, think about your week ahead and pencil in some quality time for yourself. It’ll help keep you centered and balanced during the week, especially when things get chaotic.

[Did you schedule a little TOO much downtime during the holiday break? Click here to get back on track!]

As dancers, our schedules can be overwhelming and prone to changes. Rehearsals get moved and schedules can shift. Exploring time management and being aware of your schedule can help you grow as a dancer and as a person.

We hope these tips have you ready for the week ahead and help you manage your time a little more efficiently! For more information and tricks, check out our informative blog.

5 Tips for Keeping Your Dance Technique During the Holiday Break

The holidays are quickly approaching, and we are all in need of some downtime this season!

While it is essential that you use this time to relax and regroup, it’s also crucial to keep those skills that you’ve worked so hard to achieve throughout the year.

This blog post will give you some tips on staying active while still improving during the holidays. Keep reading for five tips for keeping your dance technique during the holiday break.

Create a plan with realistic goals. 

Your goal may be to maintain your dance technique and skill, or it may be to improve a trick you have been working so hard to get.

Whatever it may be, come up with an action plan to achieve these goals. This may be as simple as stretching three times a week to help improve flexibility or committing to short but daily dance workouts. Just make sure whatever you’re doing gets you closer to achieving your goal.

[Need some gift ideas for the dancer in your life? Click here!]

Check out YouTube.

You will probably be told to go easy on social media this holiday season. However, YouTube is a great place to find out some essential dance tips and tricks.

Start by searching for a dance video that teaches you a new style, technique, or combination. There are even some great workout videos for dancers.

Stay active. 

Research some local places where you can participate in some healthy exercise classes. Pilates and yoga are great for dancers because they help with flexibility, core work, and mindset – all critical for solid dance techniques!

The highly qualified teachers at Evolution Healing Arts have some great options to keep your mind and body in shape this holiday season. They use the fundamentals of Yoga and Ayurveda to connect their students to their crafts; arts, fitness, education, and mindfulness practices are all offered and customized to meet each student’s needs.

Seek out some workshops or camps.

You may be able to find some workshops, camps, or private lessons this season to help keep your dance technique fresh.

These dance workshops or camps are great opportunities to try new styles and push yourself out of your comfort zone.

Don’t forget to rest and relax!

You have worked hard all year, be sure to take some time for yourself outside of dance. Things will feel more manageable if you tend to your needs first.

Pamper yourself a little; you earned it. Some things you can do to pamper yourself include:

  • Get a massage.
  • Turn your bedroom into a retreat and binge-watch your favorite shows.
  • Get some essentials for a spa night with you and your favorite dance besties.
  • Crank up the music and dance to music that makes you feel good. Be sure you are doing it because it makes you happy.

Your mind and your body will thank you!

Remember, holiday breaks are also designed to give your body a rest, so you should include a few days of downtime to let your body relax and heal while you have the time. While it’s important to keep up your dance technique, it’s also important to find a healthy balance.

Be sure to enjoy your friends and family this Christmas, and contact us if you need some assistance in keeping up your technique during the holiday season. Happy holidays from Evolution Dance Complex.


The Importance of Sleep for Dancers

Quality sleep is essential for everyone. However, it is critical for athletes and performers, especially dancers.

Dancers need sleep for physical recovery and to achieve peak performance. Quality and consistent sleep is a vital element in overall conditioning and having it helps dancers meet the physical and mental demands of their art. Physical and mental performance can be negatively affected when a dancer doesn’t get enough sleep or the right sleep quality.

While dance can seem effortless and graceful, it is an athletic and very competitive activity that requires intense practice. Every day, dancers work hard to condition their bodies to perform the skills, which require stamina. Whether you take part in private lessons, go to long competitions, or attend group classes, getting proper sleep is necessary to restore the body and mind and set the stage for optimal performance.

How sleep affects dancers. 

Sleep has a significant effect on performance, rest, and recovery. It also plays a part in the following:

  • Focus
  • Memory and learning
  • Motor function
  • Injury risk
  • Motivation
  • Muscle recovery

The physical effects of lack of sleep.

Research shows that when athletes and dancers aren’t getting adequate sleep, coordination and balance suffer, leading to an increased potential for injury. In addition, your immune system is weakened, making it more likely that you get sick.

In a recent study, lack of sleep was shown to adversely affect reaction time and the ability to make quick decisions.

How lack of sleep affects dancers mentally.

As a dancer, inadequate sleep can affect your memory and, therefore, the ability to remember new choreography. In addition, the following things are affected:

  • Your focus and the ability to pay attention.
  • Your problem-solving skills, mental flexibility, and processing can all be diminished.
  • Without proper sleep, you are more likely to exhibit mental errors while dancing.
  • A lack of sleep can increase irritability and the risk for anxiety and depression.

The metabolic effects of sleep deprivation.

Sleep deficiency will affect your body on a cellular level and impact how your body burns calories. Several studies have shown that people who get less sleep now will put on more weight.

According to WebMD, when you are overtired, “your brain’s reward centers rev up, looking for something that feels good. So, while you might be able to squash comfort food cravings when you’re well-rested, your sleep-deprived brain may have trouble saying no to the second slice of cake.”

[Need some healthy snack ideas? Click here!]

Tips for getting quality sleep. 

It can be challenging to get adequate amounts of sleep as a busy dancer. Especially when working around a rigorous training and competition schedule. Some ways dancers can improve sleep quality include:

  • Optimize your sleep environment – Your bedroom should be a peaceful sanctuary, especially after a long day of school and dance. Keep it uncluttered and ensure it’s dark and cool; studies show optimal sleep temperatures are between 62 and 68 degrees.
  • Avoid caffeine before bed – Caffeine is a stimulant, and its purpose is to make the body feel alert. Consuming caffeine too close to bedtime can make it difficult to fall asleep. Avoid caffeine after 2 pm.
  • Stick to a schedule – Maintaining a consistent agenda can be challenging for dancers who have competitive schedules. However, finding some consistency in sleep times can lead to a better night’s sleep.
  • Create a relaxing nighttime routine – A soothing bedtime routine can help you relax and prepare your body and mind for sleep. Some things you can do include meditation-style breathing techniques, reading, journaling, or soaking in a warm bath.
  • Limit electronics – Electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops emit blue light, interfering with our natural circadian rhythm. Avoiding screens before bed can help busy dancers fall asleep faster and rest deeper.

At Evolution Dance Complex, we know about the physical requirements involved in dancing. Our staff has extensive experience and accomplishments in various forms of dance styles and instruction techniques. In addition to improving our students’ dancing, we are dedicated to offering each student a solid technical foundation within a safe, nurturing learning environment.

We are proud to promote a positive learning atmosphere where dancers are encouraged to excel and challenged to reach their full potential. Keeping our dancers mentally and physically healthy is extremely important to us at EDC. For more dance tips and essential class information, be sure to follow our informative blog and on social media.

01 Sep

Dance Your Way to a Dream Career

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Dance Like You Mean It: Mastering the Art of Acting in Dance