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Posts Tagged ‘Dance Class Etiquette’

Essential Do’s and Don’ts of Dance Class Etiquette

Your daily dance class is a special time and it’s important to take it seriously.

Understanding the dos and don’ts of dance class etiquette will help you have the best experience and dance education possible from your class.    

Everyone wants to be the teacher’s favorite, even in dance class, so there are a few simple rules of etiquette every dancer should know. Following these dance class etiquette tips will help you create good habits, stand out in auditions, and be more confident in performances.   

The DO’s   

DO make sure you are prepared.   

You always want to represent yourself in the best light, even during class. As dancers, it’s crucial to get in the habit of being prepared for that unpredictable moment when someone may notice you. Wear appropriate form-fitting clothes so your instructor can see your lines, keep your hair neat and back from your face, and remove jewelry. Most dance studios have specific rules for dress, so be sure to adhere to those.    

In addition to dressing appropriately, ensure you have eaten a good meal, drink plenty of water, and have snacks and water on hand.   

DO pay attention.   

Listening is a huge part of dance class etiquette. Staying focused and engaged while your teacher talks is respectful, and you will learn a lot if you keep your ears open. You can also learn from your peers. Listening to their questions and applying corrections will make you a better dancer.    

DO demonstrate spatial awareness.    

Dance classes are often crowded. Be aware of your movement, so you don’t step on or kick the other dancers around you.    

DO practice proper manners.    

Greet your teachers at the start of class, thank them if they offer you a correction, and be sure to apply that correction!    

Refrain from interrupting while they’re instructing by talking with your friends, practicing the choreography to the side, or asking questions. Questions should be asked once the teacher has finished.    

DO support fellow dance students.  

Respect your peers by giving them attention and as much of the studio space as possible when it’s their turn to dance. If the room is small or you’re expected to watch, give them your undivided attention.    

DO remember; dance class is for you!   

Class is a safe space to challenge yourself and grow as a dancer. Challenge yourself and focus on progress, not perfection. They are a great place to make connections, and perfect your dance etiquette.   

The DONT’s    

DON’T check your phone.   

Even if you have a 5-minute water break, sneaking a peek at your text messages or social media notifications is distracting to you and your classmates. Keep your phone on silent and tucked away.    

DON’T stand in front if you aren’t confident in the choreography.  

If you are new to the class or a specific combination, standing in the back is a good idea if you are unsure. Standing in front is a privilege and a responsibility since dancers behind you may be trying to follow along.   

DON’T arrive late or leave early.

Be considerate of your teacher and classmates by showing up on time and staying for the class duration. If you have to leave early or come late, notify your teacher before the start of class. Ensure your exit or entrance is swift and silent, so you’re not distracting.    

DON’T feed into bad habits.  

We all have pet peeves, and the truth is you probably have some bad habits you don’t even realize. This includes looking and acting like you’re bored or don’t want to be there. Standing with your arms crossed and with an apathetic expression gives off the impression you don’t care. Staying attentive and alert will keep your mind energized and shows your teacher you’re engaged in class.    

Dance classes open the door to learning and growing. There are so many positives to learning and taking the classes. If you follow all of the dos and don’ts of dance class etiquette, you will not only become a good student but positively stand out in any class.   

If you think dance classes are suitable for you or your child, keep these tips in mind to get the most out of your time in class. If you’d like to learn to dance and are in the Wilmington, NC, area, please contact our expert staff at Evolution Dance Complex. We’d love to share the joy of dance with you! 

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