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Posts Tagged ‘Dance Goals’

8 Realistic Resolutions for Dancers

Unfortunately, many of us don’t bother with resolutions because they are too hard to keep.

The key to sticking with your goals in the new year is avoiding extreme resolutions and expecting magical transformations. Instead, take practical baby steps toward your goals and decide to make better choices.  

Here are eight simple and realistic resolutions that dancers can make to become better people and better dancers.   

Focus on your health.   

This just doesn’t mean stretching and exercising. It’s crucial to prioritize your physical, mental, and emotional health. Don’t let these things don’t take a back seat, especially as we embark on a fresh new year. Your health is everything, and it is your responsibility, so make self-care a priority in 2023.  

Invest in some “me time,” whether it’s physical therapy for that sore knee, massages, healthy food choices, more family time, getting more sleep, or investing in a foam roller – take care of your needs. You can’t give back if you don’t give to yourself first.  

Learn something new.   

As a dancer, we know your schedule is pretty full, but take some time to learn something new that will make you better at dancing.   

Some ideas include:  

  • Learning an instrument  
  • Yoga  
  • Mixing music  
  • Gymnastics  
  • Martial arts  

Be authentic.  

A round of “great jobs” is pretty routine in the studio, but how often are your kudos truly genuine? A round of applause is nice, but an authentic compliment means so much more.    

If you see a dancer working hard and improving, tell them in detail. If someone inspires you, let them know and thank them.    

Keep a dance journal.  

Take a few minutes to jot some things down in the evening. Note how you’re dancing, create a list of the classes you’ve taken, pieces you’ve been a part of, how you feel when you’re dancing, etc.     

Keeping a dance diary will provide an easy way to review your training, where you are succeeding, and where you need some extra help. It’s essential to take inventory and reflect once in a while. This gives you more clarity on where you want to go and how to get there.  

Make a new friend.  

You can’t be best friends with everyone, but you can make a conscious effort to make a genuine connection with someone new. Get to know someone in class by asking them questions about their life. Be open and chat with new teammates at competitions.   

You’ll never know the relationships you miss out on if you don’t take a chance.    

Know your body and mind.  

Understand when you need a break, and take it! The only thing worse than getting burnt out mentally or physically injured is to keep damaging yourself by continuing to dance when you need a moment.     

Your body and mind will know when to take a break. Don’t get anxious at the idea. Instead, enjoy your time off to rejuvenate your mind and body. Then you can come back fully ready to dance and learn.  

[Need tips for keeping that energy level high? Click here!]

Don’t compare.  

There’s so much talent in the dance community that it’s easy to feel envious. However, comparisons aren’t beneficial. They only dull your passion for the art of dance.   

Instead, if you develop a spirit of appreciation, you will find yourself being pushed by others’ successes instead of feeling threatened.   

Get out of your comfort zone.   

Say yes to more things that feel uncomfortable or scary. You don’t know what the future holds, and you’ll never know if you say no to things. Be open, and don’t be so quick to reject opportunities that come your way.     

Use your instincts to make sound judgments, but do not let the fear of failure hold you back. Give new and uncomfortable things a chance, and see where it takes you!  

These eight small, realistic resolutions will fuel your passion and work ethic as a dancer. This year, resolve to help you become a healthier, happier dancer. New Year’s resolutions should make you feel inspired and motivated, not anxious and overwhelmed. Start small and take realistic baby steps to help attain your goals.   

Are you or your child ready to try dance in the new year? Contact the dance experts at Evolution Dance Complex today! 

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