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Posts Tagged ‘Healthy Eating’

7 Tips for Fueling Your Performance During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is a marathon for dancers.

Between intense rehearsals for big performances, winter workshops, studio showcases, and even end-of-semester exams, finding time to optimize nutrition during the holiday season often feels impossible. However, proper fueling and boosting stamina are key to unlocking peak performance and staying injury-free throughout the season.

If you’re navigating a packed schedule filled with evening rehearsals, performances, and holiday commitments, this blog will teach you how to establish a sustainable eating routine. Let’s break down seven strategies to help you fuel effectively, stay energized, and thrive during your busiest time of the year.

Follow your hunger cues.

During high-demand dance seasons like winter, listening to your body is more important than following rigid meal schedules. Your appetite ebbs and flows depending on your activity level, and understanding your hunger cues is the first step to ensuring proper fueling.

Your body sends specific signals when it needs energy:

  • Physical cues like a growling stomach, lightheadedness, or low energy.
  • Mental cues like difficulty concentrating or feeling irritable (also known as “hanger”).

Pay attention to these indicators, and avoid skipping meals—even during busy days. Consistently eating when your body signals hunger keeps your energy steady and helps prevent fatigue mid-rehearsal.

Pro Tip: Keep portable snacks, like trail mix or fruit, on hand to honor hunger cues between intense rehearsals or during quick breaks. This ensures that you’re meeting your body’s energy needs without delay.

Focus on timing.

Timing your meals and snacks around your rehearsal and performance schedule is just as important as what you eat. Strategic eating ensures that your body has the fuel it needs when it matters most.

Before physically demanding moments like rehearsals or performances, prioritize carbohydrates for quick-release energy. Here are some pre-rehearsal snack ideas:

  • A banana paired with almond butter.
  • Whole-grain crackers and string cheese.
  • Yogurt topped with granola and honey.

Eat about 1-2 hours before dancing to avoid discomfort from a full stomach while ensuring your muscles have access to readily available energy.

Replenish after performances.

Recovery is the secret weapon for staying at your peak during the performance-heavy holiday season. After rehearsals or evening shows, replenish with nutritious options that include a mix of protein and carbohydrates within 30-60 minutes. Some post-performance snacks include:

  • A turkey and avocado sandwich on whole-grain bread.
  • Cottage cheese paired with sliced peaches.
  • Chocolate milk (a popular favorite among athletes!).

Eating at the right times makes you feel recharged and ready for whatever the next day holds.

Prioritize your activities.

Between rehearsals, school, holiday festivities, and personal responsibilities, it’s easy for dancers to feel overwhelmed during the winter season. Prioritizing your time allows you to focus on what truly supports your performance and well-being, including proper nutrition.

Block time for meals and snacks in your daily routine just as you would for rehearsals or exams. Regular fueling shouldn’t take a back seat; it’s a fundamental part of your success as a performer.

For example:

  • Use gaps between rehearsals to eat restorative mini-meals.
  • Set calendar reminders to drink water or eat nutrient-packed snacks throughout the day.

[Click here to learn more about dancing your way through the holidays]

Snack smart.

Snacks are a dancer’s secret weapon for keeping energy levels stable during long days. However, not all snacks are created equal, so making intentional choices is crucial.

Look for snacks that offer a balance of carbohydrates, fats, and protein. Some ideas include:

  • Apple slices with peanut butter.
  • Greek yogurt with berries.
  • Hummus and veggie sticks.
  • A handful of nuts and dried fruit.

Stay hydrated.

Don’t forget that hydration plays a critical role in energy levels and muscle function. Have a reusable water bottle with you at all times, and consider incorporating electrolyte beverages during especially long or intense rehearsals to replenish lost minerals.

Snacking isn’t just about grabbing what’s convenient—it’s about fueling your body with intention.

Swap self-control for self-care.

The holiday season often comes with indulgent treats, and it’s easy to fall into the mindset of “self-control.” However, performance nutrition is about balance, not restriction. A shift toward self-care leads to a healthier relationship with food and your body.

Enjoy your favorite holiday goodies guilt-free! Whether it’s a slice of pumpkin pie or a cup of hot cocoa, integrating occasional indulgences into your nutrition plan helps you avoid burnout while maintaining a balanced outlook. Approaching meals as opportunities for nourishment and celebration rather than as obligations fosters a positive mindset that directly impacts your performance. Treat each meal as an act of self-care that strengthens both your body and spirit.

The key to navigating the holiday season as a dancer lies in fueling intentionally. By following hunger cues, timing your meals strategically, prioritizing your activities, snacking smart, and choosing self-care over restriction, you’ll remain energized and confident both onstage and off. Remember that peak performance starts with the choices you make daily.

The Importance of Nutritious Eating for Dancers

Dancers are athletes; like all athletes, they require proper nutrition to perform at their best.

However, dancers often face unique challenges when it comes to eating well – they have long rehearsals, hectic schedules and are often under significant pressure to maintain a certain body type. Finding the time and energy to prepare and eat nutritious meals can make it challenging. However, eating consistent, balanced, and varied meals is crucial for overall health and can help with injury prevention.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of nutritious eating, how to educate yourself on a healthy diet, why it’s essential to focus on the long term, and how to understand labels without getting caught up in numbers.   

Nutritious snacking.   

Eating healthy snacks throughout the day is an excellent way to stay energized and focused, especially during long rehearsal days. Instead of reaching for a sugary or processed snack, try to opt for something that is high in protein and fiber, such as a piece of fruit with nut butter, Greek yogurt, or whole-grain crackers with hummus. These snacks will help keep you full longer and provide sustained energy, which is particularly important for dancers who often have long days of physical activity. 

Educate yourself. 

It’s essential to educate yourself about proper nutrition if you want to make healthy choices. Start by understanding a balanced meal, which will include:

  • A combination of complex carbohydrates
  • Lean protein
  • Healthy fats
  • And plenty of fruits and vegetables.

This will help you make informed decisions when planning your meals, especially when you’re on the go.  

Focus on the long-term. 

It’s easy to get caught up in short-term goals, such as fitting into a particular costume or achieving a specific weight, but focusing on the long-term is crucial. Eating various nutrient-dense foods will help keep you in good health, which is essential for preventing injuries and keeping your body strong. Be patient with yourself and your body, and remember that slow progress is better than no progress.  

Don’t get caught up in numbers. 

Reading labels can be overwhelming, but understanding them is crucial for making informed decisions about what you’re putting into your body. Try not to get too caught up in numbers like calorie count; instead, focus on the ingredients. Look for whole foods and avoid anything that has added sugars or artificial ingredients. Try to limit processed foods and opt for whole, fresh foods as much as possible.  

Meal planning.  

Meal planning is an excellent way to ensure you get the proper nutrition while saving time and energy. Pick one day a week to plan out your meals and make a grocery list before heading to the store. Try to incorporate a variety of foods, and be sure to include healthy snacks for when you’re on the go.   

Eating well is crucial for dancers to perform at their best and is essential to injury prevention. Many challenges make eating healthy difficult for dancers, including long rehearsal hours and the pressure to maintain a certain body type. However, with a bit of planning, knowledge, and patience, it’s possible to make healthy choices that will keep you energized and focused. It’s essential to focus on the long-term benefits of eating well and to educate yourself on proper nutrition without getting too caught up in numbers. Remember that small changes can lead to significant progress and that your body deserves to be fueled with nutrient-dense foods. 

8 Realistic Resolutions for Dancers

Unfortunately, many of us don’t bother with resolutions because they are too hard to keep.

The key to sticking with your goals in the new year is avoiding extreme resolutions and expecting magical transformations. Instead, take practical baby steps toward your goals and decide to make better choices.  

Here are eight simple and realistic resolutions that dancers can make to become better people and better dancers.   

Focus on your health.   

This just doesn’t mean stretching and exercising. It’s crucial to prioritize your physical, mental, and emotional health. Don’t let these things don’t take a back seat, especially as we embark on a fresh new year. Your health is everything, and it is your responsibility, so make self-care a priority in 2023.  

Invest in some “me time,” whether it’s physical therapy for that sore knee, massages, healthy food choices, more family time, getting more sleep, or investing in a foam roller – take care of your needs. You can’t give back if you don’t give to yourself first.  

Learn something new.   

As a dancer, we know your schedule is pretty full, but take some time to learn something new that will make you better at dancing.   

Some ideas include:  

  • Learning an instrument  
  • Yoga  
  • Mixing music  
  • Gymnastics  
  • Martial arts  

Be authentic.  

A round of “great jobs” is pretty routine in the studio, but how often are your kudos truly genuine? A round of applause is nice, but an authentic compliment means so much more.    

If you see a dancer working hard and improving, tell them in detail. If someone inspires you, let them know and thank them.    

Keep a dance journal.  

Take a few minutes to jot some things down in the evening. Note how you’re dancing, create a list of the classes you’ve taken, pieces you’ve been a part of, how you feel when you’re dancing, etc.     

Keeping a dance diary will provide an easy way to review your training, where you are succeeding, and where you need some extra help. It’s essential to take inventory and reflect once in a while. This gives you more clarity on where you want to go and how to get there.  

Make a new friend.  

You can’t be best friends with everyone, but you can make a conscious effort to make a genuine connection with someone new. Get to know someone in class by asking them questions about their life. Be open and chat with new teammates at competitions.   

You’ll never know the relationships you miss out on if you don’t take a chance.    

Know your body and mind.  

Understand when you need a break, and take it! The only thing worse than getting burnt out mentally or physically injured is to keep damaging yourself by continuing to dance when you need a moment.     

Your body and mind will know when to take a break. Don’t get anxious at the idea. Instead, enjoy your time off to rejuvenate your mind and body. Then you can come back fully ready to dance and learn.  

[Need tips for keeping that energy level high? Click here!]

Don’t compare.  

There’s so much talent in the dance community that it’s easy to feel envious. However, comparisons aren’t beneficial. They only dull your passion for the art of dance.   

Instead, if you develop a spirit of appreciation, you will find yourself being pushed by others’ successes instead of feeling threatened.   

Get out of your comfort zone.   

Say yes to more things that feel uncomfortable or scary. You don’t know what the future holds, and you’ll never know if you say no to things. Be open, and don’t be so quick to reject opportunities that come your way.     

Use your instincts to make sound judgments, but do not let the fear of failure hold you back. Give new and uncomfortable things a chance, and see where it takes you!  

These eight small, realistic resolutions will fuel your passion and work ethic as a dancer. This year, resolve to help you become a healthier, happier dancer. New Year’s resolutions should make you feel inspired and motivated, not anxious and overwhelmed. Start small and take realistic baby steps to help attain your goals.   

Are you or your child ready to try dance in the new year? Contact the dance experts at Evolution Dance Complex today! 

5 Tips for Keeping a Dancers’ Energy Levels High

Dancers are artists, but they’re also athletes who must support their busy schedules with long-lasting energy. 

From the foods you eat to how you eat and care for your mind and body, you can develop choices that impact your energy levels. Let’s discuss five key strategies for dancers seeking high energy to get them through their day and their performances. 

Functional fuel for your diet.  

Prioritizing healthy meal balance means incorporating a source of each nutrient within your food choices, especially your snack. Carbohydrates, protein, and fat are all macronutrients that are essential to a busy dancer’s diet and each provide many benefits. 

  • Carbohydrates replenish muscle and help to fuel your movement. Carbohydrates come from many foods like bread, veggies, fruits, and sweets. Be careful about the sweets you consume, while you may get a quick burst of energy, you will crash. 
  • If you’re sluggish and tired midway through class, it may be time to add more balance to your snacks. Good sources of protein and fat will help. Protein provides the minerals and nutrients vital for muscle recovery and will keep you feeling full.  
  • Feeling hungry while dancing does not help your energy levels and will leave you feeling heavy. Healthy fats will help support feeling satisfied between meals. A balanced mixed that provides protein and fat with your carbohydrates is the goal. Excellent sources of both proteins and fats include string cheese, chickpeas, hard-boiled eggs, hummus, guacamole, and nut butters. 

Stay hydrated.  

Start hydrating early in the day and work to stay consistent. The first thing you should do when you wake it up is consume a large glass of water. Grab a reusable water bottle and attempt actively hydrate throughout your day.

PRO TIP: Don’t love water? Add some lemon, lime, or orange slices for flavor. This can also help with energy levels.

You can find your hydration from other sources too! While water contributes to a good portion of our fluid intake, specific foods can boost your hydration levels. Make a yummy salad or pack some snacks to munch on throug the day. Some things to include: 

  • Tomatoes 
  • Cucumbers 
  • Celery 
  • Apples 
  • Watermelon 
  • Peaches 
  • Grapes 

Focus on meal timing.  

Dancers often know what foods are best for fueling their busy day, but many need help with timing, especially when it comes to snacking. When someone eats is just as important as what they eat. Going for long periods without properly fueling can affect energy levels and performance, and can leave dancers susceptible to injury. 

Regular meals and snacks will help to keep your energy up without causing you to feel sluggish while dancing. Create a plan to scatter your meals and snacks into five or six eating times through the day.

Get quality rest.  

Research shows that when athletes and dancers aren’t getting adequate sleep, coordination and balance suffer, leading to an increased potential for injury. In addition, your immune system is weakened, increasing your chances of getting sick. In a recent study, lack of sleep was shown to adversely affect reaction time and the ability to make quick decisions.  

It can be challenging to get adequate sleep as a busy dancer. Especially when working around a rigorous training and competition schedule. Some ways dancers can improve sleep quality include:  

  • Optimizing your sleep environment – Your bedroom should be a peaceful sanctuary, especially after a long day of school and dance. Keep it uncluttered and ensure it’s dark and cool; studies show optimal sleep temperatures are between 62 and 68 degrees.  
  • Stick to a schedule – Maintaining a consistent agenda can be challenging. However, finding consistency in sleep times can lead to a better night’s sleep.  
  • Create a relaxing nighttime routine – A soothing bedtime routine can help you relax and prepare your body and mind for sleep. Some things you can do include meditation-style breathing techniques, reading, journaling, or soaking in a warm bath.  
  • Limit electronics – Electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops emit blue light, interfering with our natural circadian rhythm. Avoiding screens before bed can help active dancers fall asleep faster and rest deeper.

Reevaluate your caffeine intake.

Too much caffeine can impact sleep and leave you feeling anxious and jittery. Aim for no more than two cups of coffee per day. Since caffeine is present in other foods and drinks, be mindful of caffeinated teas, sodas, and even chocolate intake.

Like warming up, proper nutrition and health management are vital to mastering your craft and keeping your energy high. Educating our dancers on how to improve their energy and longevity will set everyone up for success! Keeping our dancers mentally and physically healthy is extremely important at EDC. For more dance tips and essential class information, follow our informative blog and social media. 

A Dancer’s Ultimate Snack List Guide

Dancers are artistic athletes who use their bodies to tell a story and express their art through movement.

So, it’s crucial that they keep this essential tool in top shape by eating the right foods. Dance uses up a lot of energy and burns many calories, making what your dancers eat imperative in helping them master their art.

Certain foods give dancers’ bodies the nutrients they need at specific times. These foods help them perform at the highest levels and will help them recover from an intense class or a long day at a competition. Dancers must have the nutrition they need to perform their best, both in class and on stage. Want to make sure your dancer is snacking smart? Keep reading for the dancer’s ultimate snack list.

Hydration is key.

Hydration is just as important as healthy food choices! Dancers need to stay hydrated to help them push through classes or tough competitions and keep their muscles lubricated and bodies flexible. Dancers need to drink plenty of water before, during, and after dancing.

EDC dancer Lexi Deffinbaugh explains more, “The foods I eat are super important for a competition weekend and really for my entire dance week. I start drinking extra water two days before a competition to make sure I am really hydrated. That is a big thing for me. As for snacks and food, I eat a lot of nuts, yogurt, eggs, and fruit. Fruit is my favorite! Most of the time, I eat fruit for dessert instead of sweets. Sometimes sugar hurts my stomach, so I don’t eat a lot of it. My food makes a big difference to me. I can feel it easily if I don’t eat right, and it doesn’t feel good. So, I try hard to eat healthy foods.”

Plenty of water paired with healthy snacks will set dancers up for success!

Timing is everything.

Dancers often know what foods are healthy and best for fueling their busy day, but many struggle with timing, especially with snacks. When a dancer eats can be just as important as what they eat. Going for long periods without fueling properly can affect performance and energy levels and increase a dancer’s susceptibility to injury.

Dancers should keep a few snacks in their dance bag. Being prepared for mid-day classes or a long day of rehearsal is a great way to make sure they are dancing their best and simultaneously taking care of their bodies.

[Want to know what’s in some of the top-performing dancers’ bags? Click here!]

Before class snacks. 

Dancers should never work on an empty stomach, so if snack time falls within 30-60 minutes before dancing, then consider an easily digestible carbohydrate to maintain your physical stamina. These snacks should be lower in fiber. Pretzels and fresh fruit are examples of smaller, easily digestible carbs that won’t leave your dancer feeling sluggish. Some other examples include:

  • Dried or fresh fruit.
  • Applesauce or a fruit smoothie pack.
  • Homemade protein-packed “energy balls.”
  • Apple and peanut butter.
  • A fruit-based snack bar.

During class snacks. 

If your dancer needs a snack in the middle of a long practice, rehearsal, or competition day. Here is a list of low-calorie snacks that are great for your dancers to keep in their dance bag:

  • Mini pretzels.
  • Seedless grapes.
  • Low-fat yogurt.
  • Graham crackers.
  • String cheese.
  • A small amount of microwave popcorn.
  • Red pepper slices with some hummus.
  • Carrots with ranch for dipping.
  • Almonds or peanuts.

If there is little time between school and dance class, for example, getting an energy boost from snacks such as low-fat yogurt, peanut butter, granola bars, fresh fruit, or cheese are simple options. Something is better than nothing!

After class snacks. 

Snacks after class should be rich in protein. Once dancers leave the studio, they need to start to rebuild and replenish muscle. To aid in the recovery process, implement a quality strategy of protein to carbohydrate ratio. The protein will help rebuild the muscle tissue that was damaged while dancing and the carbs replace the energy used during class.

The after-class snack should be timed anywhere between 30 minutes and 1 hour after class ends. Muscle recovery is significant for dancers who are taking classes multiple days during the week. Here are some snack ideas for dancers to have after class:

  • Peanut butter on a rice cake.
  • A fruit and protein smoothie.
  • Cottage cheese with some whole-grain cereal.
  • A peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
  • An apple and a few sticks of string cheese.

[Need more tips on keeping your dancers’ body in shape? Click here!]

Just like warming up or taking lessons, proper nutrition is key to mastering your craft. Educating our dancers on how nutrition can improve their skills and longevity will set everyone up for success!

Keeping our dancers mentally and physically healthy is extremely important to us at EDC. For more dance tips and essential class information, be sure to follow our informative blog and on social media.

Photo Feature: Lexi Deffinbaugh (Dancer/Model)

With a proper balance of eating well, hydrating often, and conditioning daily, our EDC dance athletes are able to perform above and beyond!

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7 Tips for Fueling Your Performance During the Holiday Season