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Posts Tagged ‘Holiday Gift Ideas for Dancers’

7 Things Every Dancer Needs This Christmas

The holidays are fast approaching, and chances are you are scouring the malls and online stores to find the perfect gift for friends and family.

However, finding that special present for the dancer in your life may be a bit more of a struggle. You wrestle with the need to get them something practical and the desire to get them something fun and exciting.

We put together seven gift ideas that can be the perfect combination of fun and practical. With these ideas, you can help make the holidays merry and bright for your tiny dancer! Keep your shopping simple and stop by the EDC apparel store where we can help you with all your practice and dance competition needs.

Tights and leotards.

Every dancer needs tights – that’s obvious, right? We know, but the thing is, busy dancers will go through a lot of them. Runs, stains, tears, and excessive sweating, will happen, and dancers will need a backup pair of tights and a clean leotard. And because temperatures in studios can be unpredictable, it is crucial to have warm-up clothes to layer on top and remove easily.

If you are buying these as a gift, find out their size and buy them three or four pairs, and they should be set for the year with a spare set for emergencies. Our EDC apparel stocks all kinds of dance tights and leotards, and we can help you find the perfect gift for your dancer.

A customized dance bag.

If your dancer doesn’t have a custom dance bag to hold all their essentials, now is the time. Having a bag will keep all those vital dance items organized and ready to go for any upcoming practice or competition. Splurge a little and add a fun monogram.

Some good gift ideas for dance bags that hold everything without being too bulky include:

Dance shoes.

In the world of dance, you can never have too many pairs of shoes. So, make sure your dancer is prepared this season. Besides your basic ballet slippers or jazz shoes, make sure they have all the specialty dance shoes, such as tap or pointe. EDC sells all the latest dance attire, new and used shoes, and our inventory swaps out weekly. 

Emergency kit.

A kit with all the last-minute emergency essentials will be a lifesaver for your dancer – and you! A kit with important first aid items, hair accessories, and hygiene needs will get them through their performance or practice with ease.

Some ideas of what to pack inside include:

  • Band-aids
  • Antiseptic wipes & ointment
  • Headache & body ache relief
  • Bobby pics
  • Elastics
  • Hair Spray
  • Comb/ brush
  • Deodorant
  • Lip balm

If you want to turn this into a gift. Find a cute makeup bag that is just their style, embroider it with their name, and pack with all these essential goodies.

A water bottle

Staying hydrated is extremely important to a dancer’s performance. Even mild dehydration can cause fatigue, mental fogginess and can affect balance.

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that athletes should drink about two cups before beginning a workout, then drink five to ten ounces every 20 minutes or so. This means that a high-quality, reusable water bottle should be at the top of your dancers’ Christmas list.

A dance journal. 

You never know when you’ll need to record an essential piece of information or crucial dance tip, so having a dance journal can be critical to your dancer’s growth. Having a place to write down dance goals or journal about the day in a space specially created for dancers can help motivate and inspire them.

Stretching bands

Stretch bands and foam rollers are more for advanced dancers but are very important to maintain flexibility. Sometimes a dancer just needs that extra push or pull on a muscle but is not yet flexible enough to reach the limb themselves, and this is where a stretching band can come in useful and make an excellent gift. While a foam roller is great for a quick massage to provide relief or prevent injury.

As a dancer, your body is your instrument, and it often requires a variety of items. And there is nothing worse than finding yourself without the tools you need to succeed. Preparedness is essential to us here at EDC and something we instill in our dancers to ensure they are thriving inside the dance studio and out.

So, make sure your dancer has everything they need to be safe, comfortable, and successful this upcoming year. Check out our on-site EDC apparel store for all of your dancer’s needs!

01 Feb

14 Items You Need in Your Dancer Preparedness Kit

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