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Posts Tagged ‘Summer Break’

Tips for Staying Connected With Dance Over Summer Break

It’s officially summertime, and for many dancers, that means it’s time for a well-deserved break.

After months of rehearsals, performances, competitions, and travel it’s essential to give your body some rest and let it recover. However, taking a break doesn’t mean you have to stop dancing completely. In fact, summer break can be an excellent opportunity to improve your skills and technique without the added pressure of performances and competitions.

Staying connected with dance over summer break is important to take your skills to the next level. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of rest and improvement during summer break and give you some tips on how to use this time effectively.

Rest is essential.

First and foremost, it’s important to take some time off and rest your body. Dancing is a physically and mentally demanding activity, and your body needs a break to recover and prevent injury. Use this time to focus on self-care activities including

  • Massages
  • Stretching
  • Acupuncture
  • Pilates
  • And other low-impact exercises.

If you’ve been struggling with injuries or chronic pain, now is an excellent time to seek professional help and start a rehabilitation program. A little bit of rest can go a long way in helping you come back stronger and more prepared for the upcoming season.

Keep it moving.

While rest is crucial, sitting on the couch all day is not the best way to recover. It’s important to keep moving and stay active. You can use this time to explore different dance styles or take classes in areas you want to improve. Attend summer intensives and workshops, or try out online classes. Another great way to stay active is to cross-train with some supplemental activities like yoga, swimming, cycling, or hiking. These activities can help you improve your endurance, flexibility, and overall fitness, which can benefit your dancing in the long run.

Hone your craft.

Summer break doesn’t have to mean a hiatus from dance training. Use this time to focus on areas of your dancing that need improvement. Take a closer look at your technique, footwork, and musicality. Work on new choreography, or create your own routines. Watch dance videos, attend performances, and seek inspiration from other creative works. Use this time to get better at your craft and come back to the studio with renewed passion and dedication.

Keep in touch with the world of dance.

As a budding or established dancer, it is vital to stay informed about your craft. An excellent platform for gaining insight is by reading online dance publications, such as this one. These sources provide advice from experienced dancers and choreographers, updates on industry developments, articles on advocacy in dance, and more. By immersing yourself in the world of dance, you boost your chances of success in your career. Keep up-to-date with the latest trends and knowledge; it will pay off in the long run.

Be mindful of burnout.

While summer break is an excellent opportunity for rest and improvement, be mindful not to overdo it. Burnout can happen when you push yourself too hard, too quickly. Remember, it’s okay to take it slow and enjoy your free time. Avoid setting unrealistic goals or expectations for yourself, and prioritize self-care and rest. Listen to your body and take breaks when you need them. Your physical and mental health should always come first.

Prepare for the upcoming season.

Finally, use this time to plan for the upcoming dance season. Start by setting your goals and priorities for the year. What do you want to achieve? What areas do you need to focus on? Plan out your training schedule, and make sure to include time for rest and recovery. Talk to your dance teachers and coaches about your goals, and ask for their input and advice. By setting clear goals and expectations for yourself, you can approach the upcoming season with confidence and enthusiasm.

Summer break can be a time of rest and rejuvenation, but it can also be an opportunity for improvement and growth. Use this time wisely by resting your body, staying active, improving your craft, being mindful of burnout, and planning for the upcoming season. Remember that taking care of yourself should always be your top priority, so enjoy your free time and come back to the studio ready to dance!

If you need some advice on how to find balance this summer, contact the experts at Evolution Dance Complex today! With our clinics, camps, and intensives, we can ensure you stay in shape and are dance-ready all summer long.

5 Tips for Taking Care of Yourself Over the Summer Break

Summer break is quickly approaching!

Those blissful, lazy days of summer where you can sleep in, stay in your pajamas all day, and not stress about studying or hustling from school to dance class!

Having breaks gives our bodies the time for a necessary reset and recharge. While it may feel like it is a great time to beach it all day and binge on Netflix at night, it’s vital that you also treat these moments as an opportunity to work on your goals and care for your body and mind so you are ready for the fall.

Keep reading five ways you can take care of yourself over the summer break and prepare for the upcoming dance season.

Eat well.

A balanced diet often goes out the window during summer break. We sleep in late and miss breakfast, grab a sugary muffin from the pantry, or munch on a bag of chips instead of opting for healthier options. Those burgers from the grill are hard to resist while the ice cream calls your name. Our regimented routine is long gone, leaving more time for inconsistency, lounging, and snacking.

It’s okay to include some sweet and savory treats in your diet, but it’s essential to stay balanced. Ensure you include a variety of whole foods in your diet. Having some spare time over the summer allows for cooking experimentation and healthy recipe creations. The summer is an ideal opportunity to refine meals and create the perfect ‘grab and go’ recipe for those days when you are short on time during the hectic school season.

[Need some healthy, quick snack ideas for competition season? Click here!]

Stay active.

Research some local places where you can participate in some healthy exercise classes. Pilates and yoga are great for dancers because they help with flexibility, core work, and mindset.

The highly qualified teachers at Evolution Healing Arts have some great options to keep your mind and body in shape this holiday season. They use the fundamentals of Yoga and Ayurveda to connect their students to their crafts; arts, fitness, education, and mindfulness practices are all offered and customized to meet each student’s needs.

Be sure to give something new a try this summer. When it comes to our weekly regimens, we don’t have time for trying new things, especially when it’s on top of our already packed dance schedule. So, plan to experiment some this summer, explore different options, bring along some friends, and have fun with it.

Seek out some workshops or camps.

You may be able to find some workshops, camps, or private lessons this summer season to help keep your dance technique fresh.

Dance workshops, intensives, clinics, and camps are great opportunities to try new styles and push yourself out of your comfort zone.

Get organized.

Decluttering your space is one of those things that needs to be done but often gets put off when we are busy.

Who doesn’t love a clean, organized space? With that extra time that summer break provides, use that free time to sort out your wardrobe, bedroom, dance bag, and more. Keep those things you actually use and speak to you, and get rid of those items that no longer benefit you.

Once you’ve organized the items you want to keep, you can donate what no longer serves you. This allows you to see what you have in your space and where you may need something new. You’re also receiving the health benefits of an enhanced mental state, improved sleep habits, and reduced allergens by decluttering.

Practice some self-care.

You have worked hard all year, be sure to take some time for yourself outside of dance. Things will feel more manageable if you tend to your needs first.

Pamper yourself a little; you earned it. Some things you can do to pamper yourself include:

  • Get a massage.
  • Turn your bedroom into a retreat and binge-watch your favorite shows.
  • Get some essentials for a spa night with you and your favorite dance besties.
  • Crank up the music and dance to music that makes you feel good. Be sure you are doing it because it makes you happy.

With the above suggestions, you’ll be feeling fresh as a daisy when you return to your routine after the summer break. Equipped with the skills to support your mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing, you’ll be ready for anything that comes your way.

Be sure to enjoy your friends and family this summer, and contact us if you need some assistance with keeping up your technique during the break. With our clinics, camps, and intensives, we can ensure you stay in shape and are dance-ready all summer long.

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